Protein Kinase-A

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Protein Kinase-A List
    Cat No.NameDescriptionSizeQtyPriceAction
    PKPS-210PKACa2- RIa2Inactive holoenzyme consisting of one dimeric regulatory subunit type I alpha and two monomeric catalytic subunits (cAMP-free). Protein Kinase A Recombinant is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.$65Add to Cart
    PKPS-212PKACa2-RIIa2Inactive holoenzyme consisting of one dimeric regulatory subunit type II alpha and two monomeric catalytic subunits (cAMP-free). Protein Kinase A is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.$65Add to Cart
    PKPS-209PKAR-I alpha HumanPKA regulatory subunit I a Human Recombinant is a dimeric 86kDa protein (the monomer is 381 aa 43kDa). PKAR-I alpha is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.$403Add to Cart
    PKPS-211PKA-RII alphaThe recombinant PKA regulatory subunit II-a is a dimeric 90 kDa protein. Protein Kinase A is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.$65Add to Cart
    PKPS-207PRKACAcAMP-dependent PKA is an ubiquitous serine/threonine protein kinase present in a variety of tissues (e.g. brain, skeletal muscle, heart). The intracellular cAMP level regulates cellular responses by altering the interaction between the catalytic C and regulatory R subunits of PKA. The inactive tetrameric PKA holoenzyme R2C2 is activated when cAMP binds to R2, which dissociates the tetramer to R2 cAMP 4 and two active catalytic subunits. Free Catalytic subunits of PKA can phosphorylate a wide variety of intracellular target proteins. In response to hormone- induced high cAMP levels, PKA phosphorylates glycogen synthetase (inhibition of the enzyme activity) and phosphorylase kinase to block glycogen synthesis. Different isoforms of catalytic and regulatory subunits sµggest specific functions. The recombinant PKA catalytic subunit a is a 41kDa protein. The a-isoform is the predominant form with a broad tissue distribution and can be used for in vitro enzymological studies of neural and hormonal signal transduction or to phosphorylate target proteins in vivo including Ion channels, transcriptional activator proteins and regulatory enzymes of glycogen metabolism.$65Add to Cart
    PKPS-208PRKAR1AcAMP-dependent PKA is an ubiquitous serine/theonine protein kinase present in a variety of tissues (e.g. brain, skeletal muscle, heart). The intracellular cAMP level regulates cellular responses by altering the interaction between the catatytic C and regulatory R subunits of PKA. The inactive tetrameric PKA holoenzyme R2C2 is activated when cAMP binds to R2, which dissociates the tetramer to R2 cAMP 4 and two active catalytic subunits. Free Catalytic subunits of PKA can phosphorylate a wide variety of intracellular target proteins. In response to hormone- induced high cAMP levels, PKA phosphorylates glycogen synthetase (inhibition of the enzyme activity) and phosphorylase kinase to block glycogen synthesis. Different isoforms of catalytic and regulatory subunits sµggest specific functions. The recombinant PKA regulatory subunit I a is a dimeric 90kDa protein.$65Add to Cart



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