Buy Guinea Pig ELISA Kits Online | Guinea Pig ELISA Kits

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Guinea Pig ELISA Kits List
Cat No.NameDescriptionSizeQtyPriceAction
GN0067Guinea Pig NUP85 ELISA KitNucleoporin 85kDa (NUP85)$495Add to Cart
GN0066Guinea Pig NUP50 ELISA KitNucleoporin 50kDa (NUP50)$495Add to Cart
GN0065Guinea Pig NUP37 ELISA KitNucleoporin 37kDa (NUP37)$495Add to Cart
GN0064Guinea Pig NUP35 ELISA KitNucleoporin 35kDa (NUP35)$495Add to Cart
GN0063Guinea Pig NUP214 ELISA KitNucleoporin 214kDa (NUP214)$495Add to Cart
GN0062Guinea Pig NUP205 ELISA KitNucleoporin 205kDa (NUP205)$495Add to Cart
GN0059Guinea Pig NUP160 ELISA KitNucleoporin 160kDa (NUP160)$495Add to Cart
GN0058Guinea Pig NUP155 ELISA KitNucleoporin 155kDa (NUP155)$495Add to Cart
GN0057Guinea Pig NUP153 ELISA KitNucleoporin 153kDa (NUP153)$495Add to Cart
GN0056Guinea Pig NUP133 ELISA KitNucleoporin 133kDa (NUP133)$495Add to Cart
GN0055Guinea Pig NUP107 ELISA KitNucleoporin 107kDa (NUP107)$495Add to Cart
GN0054Guinea Pig NTRK3 ELISA KitNeurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 (NTRK3)$495Add to Cart
GN0052Guinea Pig NRIP1 ELISA KitNuclear Receptor Interacting Protein 1 (NRIP1)$495Add to Cart
GN0051Guinea Pig NOX5 ELISA KitNicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 5 (NOX5)$495Add to Cart
GN0049Guinea Pig NOX1 ELISA KitNicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 1 (NOX1)$495Add to Cart
GN0030Guinea Pig NK ELISA KitNatural killer cells $495Add to Cart
GN0029Guinea Pig NT-2R ELISA KitNeurotrophin receptor -2 $495Add to Cart
GN0027Guinea Pig NT-1R ELISA KitNeurotrophin receptor -1 $495Add to Cart
GM0363Guinea Pig Mxd1 ELISA KitMAX dimerization protein 1 $495Add to Cart
GM0362Guinea Pig MVP ELISA Kitmajor vault protein,MVP $495Add to Cart
GM0356Guinea Pig MTX ELISA Kitmethotrexate,MTX $495Add to Cart
GM0353Guinea Pig MTF ELISA Kitmicrotransferrinuria,MTF $495Add to Cart
GM0351Guinea Pig MT ELISA KitMetallothionein,MT $495Add to Cart
GM0350Guinea Pig MSH ELISA Kitmelanocyte stimulating hormone,MSH$495Add to Cart
GM0349Guinea Pig MSA ELISA Kitmitotic sindle apparatus antibody$495Add to Cart
GM0348Guinea Pig MRP ELISA Kitmyeloid-related protein$495Add to Cart
GM0344Guinea Pig MPO-ANCA IgG ELISA Kitmyeloperoxidse-antieutrophil cytoplasmic antibody IgG$495Add to Cart
GM0340Guinea Pig MN ELISA KitMannose$495Add to Cart
GM0339Guinea Pig MMTV ELISA KitMamary umor virus MMTV$495Add to Cart
GM0338Guinea Pig MMSAM ELISA Kitmelanoma metastasis surface adhesion molecule,MMSAM $495Add to Cart



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MassAb Technologies
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Start from $40/each

new technologies

Optimized for enhanced
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XPromoter 2.0
E.coli/insect cells/293 & CHO

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