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Canine ELISA Kits List
Cat No.NameDescriptionSizeQtyPriceAction
CM0036Canine MAPK ELISA KitCanine Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase $495Add to Cart
CM0037Canine MT ELISA KitCanine Metallothionein $495Add to Cart
CM0039Canine MPO ELISA KitCanine Myeloperoxidase $495Add to Cart
CM0038Canine MLC ELISA KitMucopolysacharide $495Add to Cart
CM0040Canine MyoD ELISA KitCanine Myogenic Differentiation antigen $495Add to Cart
CM0041Canine MBP ELISA KitCanine Myelin Basic Protein $495Add to Cart
CM0045Canine M-APN ELISA KitCanine MacromoleculeAdiponectin $495Add to Cart
CM0046Canine MAdCAM-1 ELISA KitCanine Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 $495Add to Cart
CM0211Canine β2-MG ELISA KitCanine β2 Microglobulin $495Add to Cart
CM0212Canine α-MSH ELISA KitCanine α Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone $495Add to Cart
CM0213Canine MIP1β ELISA KitCanine Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1β $495Add to Cart
CM0214Canine a2-MG ELISA KitCanine a2 Microglobulin $495Add to Cart
CM0216Canine MIF ELISA KitCanine Macrophage Migion Inhibitory Factor $495Add to Cart
CM0217Canine MDC ELISA KitCanine Macrophage derived chemokine $495Add to Cart
CM0219Canine ELISA KitEmbryonic Stem MESPU30$495Add to Cart
CM0220Canine M-AChR ELISA Kitmuscarinic acetylcholine receptor$495Add to Cart
CM0222Canine M-AChr M3 ELISA KitCanine Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 $495Add to Cart
CM0223Canine Macro-CK ELISA KitMacrocreatine kinase$495Add to Cart
CM0224Canine MAG Ab ELISA Kitanti-myelin associated glycoprotein antibody$495Add to Cart
CM0227Canine MAGE ELISA Kitanti- melanoma antigen$495Add to Cart
CM0228Canine Mammary carcinoma Aarker-CA153 ELISA Kitmammary carcinoma Aarker-CA153$495Add to Cart
CM0231Canine MAO ELISA KitCanine Monoamine Oxidase $495Add to Cart
CM0232Canine MAOA ELISA KitMonoamine oxidase A$495Add to Cart
CM0233Canine MAP-2 ELISA KitCanine Microtubule-associated protein 2 $495Add to Cart
CM0235Canine MAPKAPK3 ELISA KitMitogen Activated Protein Kinase -Activa Protein Kinase 3$495Add to Cart
CM0236Canine MART/Melan-A ELISA KitMelanoma Marker A,MART/Melan-A $495Add to Cart
CM0237Canine MASP ELISA KitCanine Mannan binding lectin associated serine protease $495Add to Cart
CM0241Canine MAT ELISA Kitmatrilysin$495Add to Cart
CM0242Canine MAU/ALB ELISA KitMicroalbunminuria $495Add to Cart
CM0247Canine MBL ELISA KitCanine Mannan binding protein/mannan binding lectin $495Add to Cart



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MassAb Technologies
Free Trial Custom Polyclonal Antibody
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Custom Peptides Synthesis

Start from $40/each

new technologies

Optimized for enhanced
expression levels
XPromoter 2.0
E.coli/insect cells/293 & CHO

3 in 1 expression system
MassAb Technologies

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